With Roomatic hotel guests can take advantage of hotel amenities (ordering room service, transportation, laundry service, wake-up calls or reporting an issue) that usually requires the use of their room phone.
Selected Roomatic hotels:
- Boutique Hotel i31, Berlin, Germany
- Ellington Hotel, Berlin, Germany
- Palace Hotel, Berlin, Germany
- The Weinmeister, Berlin, Germany
- Lux*11, Berlin, Germany
- Privathotel Lindtner, Hamburg, Germany
- Azimut Olympic Hotel, Moscow, Russia
If you want to test drive Roomatic you can connect to our demo hotel. Just follow these simple steps:
1. Open the app and sign in via Facebook or with your email address. Please make sure to allow push notifications!
2. Connect to your room by providing an imaginary room number and the hotel code demo. [Disclaimer: Please dont expect any actual service, when using demo hotel]
Stay tuned, as we are adding more hotels